Sunday, March 11, 2012

Rants of A Single Woman Edition #1

This rant is a mixture of my personal feelings and the feelings of the women I talk to occasionally. Technically, there's no malice in my words. I am not trying to "man-bash" --per se but LATELY I find that men have had a LOT to say about women. I just wanna do MY part to balance out the equation. As a precaution, let me go ahead and state that this "rant" will be offensive to some. *smile*

Why can't you see your part in our break up? Do you NOT remember making me feel like an after thought? Why is it that you're mad at ME? I'm looking out for myself. How long did you think I would wait around for you to get it together? Why did you think I was just playing when I TOLD you that I was getting tired of the mistreatment? Are you kidding me?

 Why do you look at me like I hurt YOUR feelings? Remember that time you told me that you were just being honest? Well, I'm being honest, too. Yeah, you're back...but it'll NEVER be like it was. That situation is DEAD. I gave you a chance to act on your flowery words of love and commitment...and you CHOSE the other chick. So, NO, I don't wanna hear about how you love me now. Your words mean ABSOLUTELY nothing.

Okay, so, I can't EVER come to your house but you expect to drop everything and just be available whenever you want to come over? Soooo, you think I'm going to just put my life on hold for you? What have you invested in our thing to make you think that that's okay? NO, I'm NOT staying home this weekend. WHY can't YOU be available on a WEDNESDAY? Oh, because you're busy.?? Well, I'm busy too. No, I will not be answering my phone every ten minutes--just because you wanna blow up my phone. Stop it. When I can't reach YOU, I should just understand. When you can't reach ME, I'm doing you soooo wrong. I will not support your double standard. Kick rocks.

What?! You wanna tell me you're in love with me NOW??!! You couldn't say NOTHING to me when I lived in town but now that I live TWO STATES away you wanna communicate your feelings? Good Grief. Wait, you want me to move BACK?!! Have you lost your mind?!! What part of "MY NEW LIFE" do you NOT understand? You haven't given up ANYTHING. Why can't YOU move down here? Because of YOUR job. OH, so I'm down here just VOLUNTEERING, huh? Yeah, okay. I will NOT be re-arranging my life based on your whim. No, sir. You'll have to do better than that.

Why are you asking me for money? You have TWO JOBS! I have one job AND I have to support my CHILDREN by myself! No, it doesn't mean I don't love you but why do you want to TAKE MY MONEY? I never ask you for money. You're always talking about how "ain't no woman gonna use you"...but you have NO PROBLEM using me. Um, I think we're done here. No, I can buy equipment to do what you do for me. Thank you.

So, you don't think I do ANYTHING FOR THIS HOUSEHOLD? I shouldn't ask for money when we get divorced? Why are you fussing and ducking me? You don't think your children deserve child support? You're the one who was out there. I just want to get the financial help for the kids that YOU and I made together. If you wanna punish me for leaving, you'll have to come up with something else. Besides, if you see another man with YOUR children, you'll have a fit. Don't trip. Pay me.

*sighs* <<<----Emotional Exhale for the women out there who get what I'm talking about.

Don't get me wrong, I KNOW there are Ratchety women out there who do men wrong. Fortunately, today, this entry isn't about those women.

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