Monday, March 5, 2012


 As Dreamers and Risk Takers, we all deal with people who will never share our vision. It comes with the territory. If you can’t accept that part of the Game, then get out of it and sit down. If everyone had vision, tenacity and the “cajones” to step out in faith and be extraordinary, then there wouldn’t BE a need for the “EXTRA.”

Clearly, most people are content to stay “ordinary,” to take no chances and only deal with certainty of a “sure thing.” To be fair, there will always be people who jump from one thing to another---always claiming to be on the brink of discovering the “next big thing.” Everyone has a cousin or an uncle who is always looking for an investment in their new venture…even though they still owe folks for that LAST venture that went bust.

So, yeah…sometimes it is US-- we are off track, going in the wrong direction or not thinking clearly. Sometimes, though, it’s the OTHER person’s issue and they should kindly go and kick rocks because their negativity adds NO VALUE .

Before you give up or get mad, you should learn who you are dealing with. You need to know when you are facing a Naysayer, a Hater or a Constructive Critic and REACT ACCORDINGLY.

Check out the definitions and necessary reactions to each one:

1. A naysayer is someone who is AGGRESSIVELY NEGATIVE and RELENTLESSLY PESSIMISTIC. These people will be against whatever you are planning to do, regardless of its inherent merit. In their minds, you should IMMEDIATELY cease and desist with your work, art or activity and do something else. It is utterly useless to try and convince a naysayer that what you are doing is positive and worthwhile. Therefore, your reaction should be to ignore them and move on.

2. A hater is an individual who envies your position. Haters: Have Anger Toward Everyone Reaching Success. You can’t worry yourself with haters. “Haters gon’ hate.” Therefore, your reaction should be to allow their hate to be your motivation to do even better.

 3. A constructive critic is a person who supplies you with well meant critiques aimed at helping you IMPROVE your work, art or future endeavors. These people weigh the merits of your goals and dreams. They ask you questions to determine how thought out your plan of actions are. When they see your determination, they are your biggest supporters. Therefore, your reaction should be to listen to their constructive criticism, see how their advice can be a benefit to you and allow them to help you, if need be.

We have all faced negativity. If you haven’t faced negativity yet, give it a minute and you will surely face it soon.

Keep these definitions in mind and determine the type of push back you are dealing with. It will help you better negotiate your next move. Are you ready?

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