Thursday, December 8, 2011

I Just CANNOT Get Away

Okay, I attempted to shut this blog down...but apparently, it will NOT go down without a fight! Well, with that sort of tenacity and resilience, I decided to keep it up and post all my mindless dribble on here!

Admit know that makes you happy. (smile)
Nothing pleases people more than to read heartfelt intimate ramblings of celebrities and of people they hardly know but can FEEL like they know, because they know all of their business! LOL I decided to provide the world with such a service.
What can I say, I'm a giver. Don't get me wrong, I won't be posting  ERRY-thang. I have an image to maintain...but as far as revealing a little more of me and ranting on in a sarcastic, smart ass tone about all things and about nothing-- at the same time...HECK YEAH, MAN! I'll all about it.
If you like that...give me a holla and a shout. There'll be way more of this side of things in the near future. So, grab a bag of chips, snack on that...and enjoy!

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