Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Oh, no you didn't! personal rant about the nerve of folks...

So, I know I'm not alone in wanting to hit some people in their mouth. I'm a very calm person but there are times, when I wish I could just punch people in their throat for their audacity--their nerve.

What makes some people think that they can just say whatever they feel like saying to other people? ESPECIALLY, if they are strangers...

Do people not realize that it is not their place to worry and wonder about other folks' business? For example, I remember one time I was sitting down in a waiting room, with my infant son, when this woman came up to me and asked me, if my son was my own. I replied that he was, to which the lady further inquired whether or not my son's father was hispanic or White quote "very, very light-skinned."<<----Um...that's none of your business. OH, but she wasn't done! This "heffa" proceeded to ask me, if I was married and if I WASN'T ...then Oh, what a shame THAT was! Yeah, I know, right?!!

This is just ONE example. I'm sure I could pull out many more. You know why? Oh, I'll tell you why...because there is an EPIDEMIC of people cursed with the urge to say the most inappropriate things!

You know what's worse? These SAME people would be sooo offended, if you would do the same to them. You know the types...the "can dish it out but can't take it" types. The ones who have so many skeletons in their closet, they could host a Halloween Yard Sale! They would NEVER be so bold as to admit to their flaws, but LORDY BE, will they highlight all of yours!

Nothing is worse than coming across someone who asks a question, in order to try and embarrass you or put you on the spot. But you know what? I've made a commitment...I've got something for these people...I'm not answering nothing, FIRST...I'm asking THEM the same question, watching them react and THEN deciding if I'll answer them or not. They better get ready.

I hope that I don't come across anyone like this any time soon. If YOU do, then I suggest you take up the charge and hold your rubber band shield up high...BE RUBBER to their GLUE...whatever they know what to do.


Nandi said...

Dee! I feel the same exact way. What makes these "heffas" think they can ask any old thing they want? I have a "friend" who always tells you how wrong you are & what you need to be doing but if you tell her about herself suddenly you're being mean. I don't have time for it, I'm too old for this shit

CandCFamily said...

Oh, I might have to try that one :-) Cause you know I get some STRANGE looks/questions.

Chantal ! said...

im with you, people can be so rude. I look slightly asian although im french, you wouldnt believe how many stupid people have had the audacity to walk up to me and ask where i come from, i always answer france and yet those arrogant idiots go on and on," but u dont look french, have you been adopted ? are u mixed raced ? did ur parents have an asian milk man ? come on you gotto be coming from the colonies," and and and. dont they realise how much this hurts ? now i just dont answer or i will just give them a dirty look till they leave. pffff