Monday, March 7, 2011

...then I realized I was addicted...

It's friggin' true, man. One day, I woke up to realize that I had this odd yearning to broadcast myself and all of my thoughts to an abstract "world" of people I either know just a little or not really at all. (SMH) Yeah, Facebook, Youtube, this mess I'm doing now, Myspace---all of it...I'm a victim of our ultra-voyeuristic world. I can't help it.

I tried to deny it...but then I realized that these sites can be used as a very helpful way to disseminate information to many people about many things, very quickly. Seeeee, that's how they get ya!

It draws you in, you want to know when Aunt Sally's gonna have that wedding shower for "what's her face." You have NO intention of attending the just can't wait to browse through all the pictures! And, you're not even worried that you're up at 3 am, checkin' them out!

I admit, I've been better in the last two years with wishing people "Happy Birthday" than I've ever been IN MY LIFE because Facebook reminds me. That's just's true, though.

When I tell my mother that I was speaking to someone about something, she asks, "Did you ACTUALLY speak to them or were you CHATTING online with them?" See, to her there's still a difference. (sighs) She's just sooo old skool. (smile)

Even with the knowledge that ever key stroke I type is monitored and recorded by "Big Brother" and that I HATE being tracked...I still do it...that's called "Cognitive Dissonance", everybody--in case you didn't know. It's when you hold two opposing views in your mind at the same time. With all the pictures of myself and all the information I've voluntarily listed online ...I CAN NEVER go "underground"...(sighs). Oh, well.

I knew it was bad when something funny would happen and I thought to myself.."Oh, I'm totally posting this on my status." <------You know you do it, too!

So, what am I gonna do about this addiction I have? Absolutely nothing. I know the first step is admitting that you have a problem...but ...what's the point of trying to share within the "circle of trust" if everyone's updating their statuses and uploading photos while you're talking??

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