Friday, January 4, 2013

I Just Can't Quit You: My Ode to My Blog Obsession..and Other Ramblings...

I must admit: I have a thing for blogging. 

I did actually import ALL my blog entries from THIS blog to my OTHER blog-ya know to try and reduce the number of individual blogs I have out there...but checking my old blog site and seeing that it was all neglected with no views just broke my heart. 

So, what's a writing obsessed, slightly self-absorbed chick with a touch of megalomania to do?? Well...just re-ignite the old blog, of course!  

Who cares that I have three blogs? There's no rule that says I can't have more than one place to ramble about the goings on in my headspace! 

Surely, someone else out there understands what I'm talking about! 
...and even if no one out there understands, that's not about to make me change...    

It's 2013, for goodness sake! I'm breaking all sorts of imaginary rules this year!! 

Alrighty, enough of that.
Let the written ramblings begin!!  

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