Friday, February 1, 2013

The Baby Mama Diaries: The Purpose

The Baby-Mama Diaries: The Purpose

There comes a time in every Baby-Mamas life when two things become evident: 
1. This whole "mama" thing lasts longer than you thought. 
2. No matter what you do to try and "get along" in your situation, you may never really "win." 

Keeping these facts in mind, I have decided that I might as well do what I want to do and screw the "politics" of keeping the peace. 

Here's my new philosophy: There is no single path that leads to joy and fulfillment. The road to reconciliation with your status as a "baby-mama" is windy, rocky, up-hill and filled with unexpected pot holes. Therefore, it is up to each of us to choose the best vehicle to traverse the terrain. 

As someone who loves and requires the use of words to maintain my sanity, I will deliver my thoughts in written form. My 'vehicle' is this forum. 

Some entries will be experience; others will be hypothetical situations and their suspected outcomes. 

Either way, I anticipate a very cathartic and revealing experience. 

I think I speak for a great number of women in my position who wish they could just say, "You'll just have to be mad" because, let's be were thinking it but....